    O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Health Policy Workshop
Fall Semester 2022
Thursday, 9:30 AM ET, O'Neill A225 Zoom meeting ID: 666 485 458

September 15, 2022
LM headshot

Laura Montenovo

PhD Candidate
O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Indiana University

"Employment protection, dynamism, and productivity: Evidence from Italy"

September 22, 2022
BH headshot

Benjamin Harrell

Postdoctoral Researcher
LGBT Policy Lab and Department of Economics
Vanderbilt University

"Conversion Therapy Bans, Suicidality, and Mental Health"

September 29, 2022
MB headshot

Mallory Barnes

Assistant Professor
Envrionmental Informatics, O’Neill SPEA
Indiana University

"Public health-environment connections: what can we learn from satellite remote sensing?"

October 6, 2022
PC headshot

Patrick Carlin

PhD Candidate
O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Indiana University

"Self-Governance of Healthcare Systems"

October 13, 2022
KC headshot

Kao-Ping Chua

Assistant Professor
Susan B. Meister Child Health Evaluation and Research Center
University of Michigan Medical School

"Measuring and Improving the Quality of U.S. Opioid Prescribing"

October 20, 2022

Mackenzie Alston

Assistant Professor
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

"Resign or Be Resigned: How Global Shocks and Employer Actions Affect High-Skilled Workers"

November 3, 2022
SC headshot

Steve Cicala

Associate Professor of Economics
Tufts University

"Adverse Selection as a Policy Instrument: Unraveling Climate Change"

November 10, 2022
SDanagoulian Headshot

Shooshan Danagoulian

Associate Professor, Department of Economics
Wayne State University

"Seasonal Allergy Blues: Is Mental Health Worse on High Pollen Days?"

December 1, 2022
UMass Assistant Professor Manasvini Singh

Vini Singh

Assistant Professor of Health Economics
University of Massachusetts Amherst

"Power Dynamics in the Doctor-Patient Relationship"

  Upcoming Events

Please share event suggestions with us.
  • September 30: O'Neill G&M/PAPF Series hosts Rosalie Pacula
  • October 21: O'Neill G&M/PAPF Series hosts Melissa Kearney
  • November 17-19: APPAM Annual Fall Research Conference (No workshop)
  • November 23-27:Thanksgiving Break (No workshop)
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    Health Policy Workshop
    O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs
    1315 East 10th Street
    Bloomington, IN 47405